Advanced Telemental Health Training: Updated Laws, Ethical Guidelines & Innovative Technology for Best Practice

The pandemic made the use of technology in therapy a necessity rather than optional. Therapists and clients alike have gotten much more comfortable in this digital era, but there is still more you can do to ensure sessions are engaging and clients get the help they need.

On top of that… Clinicians are now inundated with finding ways to keep up with the changes in laws and state differences. It’s challenging to know which technology to use, what laws apply, and how to keep our practices and our clients safe.

Good News! Board-Certified Telemental Health Provider, Certified Clinical Telemental Health Provider, Joni Gilbertson, MA, NCC, LMHC, BC-TMH, CTMH, has put together this bold cutting-edge training in telehealth to teach you:

You will learn innovative ways to use technology and practical tools to ensure your clinical work is aligned with telemental health best practices. Take home resources on how to ensure you keep up with the ongoing changes with laws and ethical codes relating to teletherapy and technology.

Additionally, you will gain an understanding of how to improve your risk management through a step-by-step method to ensure the safety of clients and agencies. And best of all Joni presents this in an easy and digestible way - so you can go back to work the next day with new skills!