Paul Brasler, LCSW, CAIP, has been a licensed clinical social worker for over 20 years. He is the owner of Providence Consulting & Education, LLC, through which he provides clinical supervision and professional education services. Additionally, Paul provides Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy and other clinical services as part of a small practice. Paul has extensive experience in working with people in crisis and people living with substance use disorders, including adolescent residential treatment, community mental health settings, hospital emergency departments, Juvenile Drug Court, and private practice.
Paul has been a PESI national presenter since 2016, and he has presented classes across the country on Mental Health Emergencies, High Risk Clients, Resiliency, and a certification course for clinicians working with people with substance use disorders. He has written two books: The Clinician’s Guide to Substance Use Disorders: Practical Tools for Assessment, Treatment & Recovery (PESI Publishing, October 2022) and High-Risk Clients: Evidence-Based Assessment & Clinical Tools to Recognize and Effectively Respond to Mental Health Crises (PESI Publishing, 2019).
Paul has been a PESI national presenter since 2016, and he has presented classes across the country on mental health emergencies, high-risk clients, resiliency, and a certification course for clinicians working with people with substance use disorders. His second book, The Clinician’s Guide to Substance Use Disorders: Practical Tools for Assessment, Treatment & Recovery, PESI Publishing, was published in October 2022. Paul lives in Richmond, Virginia, with his beautiful wife, three sons, a cowardly dog, and two dwarf rabbits who are quietly plotting to destroy the world.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Paul Brasler maintains a private practice and has an employment relationship with Alchemy Wellness. He receives a speaking honorarium, recording, and book royalties from Psychotherapy Networker and PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Paul Brasler has no relevant non-financial relationships.