Judith Matz, LCSW, ACSW, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) with over 30 years of experience as a therapist, speaker and author. She has dedicated her professional life to helping thousands of people overcome their struggles to make peace with food, their bodies and themselves through counseling, groups, workshops, presentations, and consultation. She is the author of three books related to eating and weight issues: Amazon #1 bestseller The Diet Survivor’s Handbook, Beyond a Shadow of a Diet and Amanda’s Big Dream, a children’s book that helps kids to pursue their dreams – at any size!
A sought-after speaker, Judith offers educational seminars and workshops for health professionals including mental health clinicians, dietitians and physicians throughout the country; she has also been invited to speak at numerous national and international professional conferences. Her work aligns with the Health At Every Size® framework to promote wellness beyond weight and address social justice issues that affect people of all sizes.
She received her master’s degree in social work from the University of Michigan and completed a post-graduate fellowship and Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago with a focus on eating disorders. Descriptions of her work have appeared in the media including the New York Times, LA Times, Allure, Fitness, Self, Shape, Today’s Dietitian, Diabetes Self-Management, NBC News Chicago, Huffington Post Live, and she appears in the documentary America The Beautiful 2.
Judith is committed to changing the public conversation about dieting, food and weight with the goal of collectively creating a culture that supports a healthy and satisfying relationship with food and honors the natural diversity of body size. To learn more about Judith and her work, please visit www.judithmatz.com.