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Ross LaBossiere, BS, LPTA, LMT, CYT

Ross LaBossiere, BS, LPTA, LMT, CYT, is a licensed physical therapist assistant, licensed massage therapist, and certified yoga instructor/therapist with over 35 years of experience in both clinical and non-clinical settings. Along with his work in clinical outpatient physical therapy, he is the owner/operator of Lifewaves Integrated Therapy (est.1982), a private practice in Rhode Island offering Mind-Body Health Maintenance and Rehabilitation. Ross graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a Bachelor of Science in Health/Adapted Physical Education and completed all course work in the graduate program for Exercise Science, with a concentration in Musculo-Skeletal Physiology/Rehabilitation. In conjunction with his 35 years of conducting various workshops and classes in the clinical setting, he also spent over a decade as an independent contractor with BCBSRI/Health and Wellness Institute, providing his mindfulness-based relaxation, stress management, and integrated yoga programs to corporate/worksite settings. He has produced an instructional audio program, Lifewaves Breath Awareness. He is a former member of the American College of Sports Medicine and is a current member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Ross LaBossiere is the owner of Lilfewaves Integrated Therapy. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Ross LaBossiere has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.



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Integrative Approaches to Therapeutic Rehabilitation

Credit available - Click Here for more information

Betsy Shandalov, OTR/L, C-IAYT, End of Life Doula |  Ralph Dehner, COTA, CPT |  Ross LaBossiere, BS, LPTA, LMT, CYT
17 Hours 32 Minutes
May 10, 2019
Product Code:
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Online Course
$349.99 Normal Price: Standard - $599.97


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